Editorial Emanations


I strongly suggest that each

of you get a hold of the current issue of PLAYBOY (April 1966) and read the section called "Playboy For- um. This article deals with abuses of the mails by the post office itself and quotes letters from a number of persons whose mail was tampered with and who received a working over by the postal authorities. Three persons are listed who can and should be written to in this regard. These are:

Lawrence O'Brien, Postmaster General

U. S. Post Office Dept. Washington D. C.

Senator Mike Monroney Committee on the P.0. New Senate Office Bldg, Washington D.C.

Senator Edward V. Long, Subcommittee on Adminis- trative Practice and Procedure

Room 3214, New Senate Office Bldg. Wash. D. C.

This last is the subcommittee currently investigating the Post Office.

About the only way that citizens in a democracy of our type can make themselves heard is by writing to the appropriate government agency. The post office inspectors do so many illegal and immoral things that it behooves all of you who receive this magazine to write and protest the tampering with first class mail, of harassing and frightening persons against whom no charges have been levied, of seizing clothing, maga- zines and other personal effects as "evidence" when no charges were filed. Dont think I am kidding. A11 of these things have happened. Thinking that we all are homosexuals the inspectors have done all of these things and more. Write and protest these matters and demand that the post office confine itself to getting the mail delivered (which can certainly stand improve- ment) and stop trying to be the nation's censor.